Finding Your Place in Social Media

Every so often, more often than I probably think I should, I see a question about where a business should be in social media. The easy answer is, I suppose “everywhere” but, in my opinion, that’s not the accurate answer. The more social media profiles you have and have to maintain, the less time you […]

Writing a Business Press Release

Earlier this week I did a live in the Women in Garment Decoration group where I talked about the uses of a press release and why they are a valuable tool for many small businesses. The video was short and I didn’t go into a lot of detail, so I thought it would be helpful […]

Sales During a Crisis

There’s a lot of angst, with a serving of judgment, going around these days about whether or not people should be making a profit,  or making any money at all while this pandemic is happening.  On one hand you have the people who think making money is key and we should risk people dying in […]

What We’re Owed and What We Owe

When I was a kid,  probably because I was told this so often,  I thought that I could control the world,  or the world writ small, which meant the people around me.   I was a smart and intuitive kid,  and I’d been told over and over that if I were just better bad things wouldn’t […]

All the Voices

Recently, I was going through some documents and I found the speaker agreements from the year I did my first seminar. Instantly I was taken back to standing in the front of the room for the first time. I remembered how scared I was, how glad I was that there was a podium I could […]

Being a Beta Reader

It’s funny the things that come into your life that you never expect.    I’ve been an editor before,  at newspapers,  for yearbooks,  and certainly of my own work.   I always thought I was pretty good at editing,  and I even occasionally thought of it as something I could do to make a living,  but I […]

An Attitude of Gratitude

I’m not a new agey sort of person.  I don’t much believe in crystals or affirmations and I certainly don’t believe there’s any “Secret”.    I do believe there are benefits to trying to see the positive side life,  I can attest to that personally.     Seeing the positive has made differences in my life I can’t […]

#JeSuisCharlie: The Consequences of Truth

I wasn’t planning to write this post.  Like a lot of other people today,  among them the ever thoughtful and thought provoking writer Will Reichard, I’ve been thinking about truth and the consequences of speaking it.  Will talks,  and rightly so,  about the fact that extremists understand the power of the truth,  and try to […]

Making the Leap

It seems that everything I write here lately  (all three posts of it so far)  is mostly about some dilemma I’m having.  The last post was about what to reveal and what to keep private.   This post is about knowing when you’re ready to do something more or different than what you’re doing now.   It’s […]

The Big Reveal (Or Not)

One of the things I’ve been struggling with a bit lately is how much to reveal about myself.   I think what’s gotten me thinking about this,  other than the fact that I’ve started this blog,  is the impending end of the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson.  I know it sounds like an odd thing […]