How Can I Help?

Being asked how someone can help you might be one of the greatest feelings in the world, but it can also be confusing. Sometimes you just know you need help, but not what exactly it is that you need. So, let’s start off with some ways I know I can help.


Are you working on content for your website? Drafting up a new marketing piece for your awesome new product? Writing a book (fiction or non-fiction)? If you’re writing anything and need someone to make sure your i’s are dotted, your t’s are crossed and your participles aren’t dangling, than you want me. I also write myself, and am familiar with story structure and how ideas should flow in a manuscript. I grew up with a grandmother who was an educator and a stickler for grammatically correct speaking and writing. I couldn’t end a sentence with a preposition any more than I could say the word ain’t. I’m a full fledged captain in the grammar police, and I can make your work read better and sound better.

Finding Your Market

Not sure who you should be selling to and are hoping it’s everyone? (Spoiler alert, it’s not!) Have some idea who your market is, but don’t know where to find them? Want to branch out into a new market but don’t exactly know how to combine the new messages with the message you’ve already been sending? Unsure how to figure out where your market is on social media? Finding the right market and talking to them in the right language is a huge piece of having a successful business. I’m a veteran of building companies and marketing campaigns from the ground up and I can help you find your market and speak to them in a way they’ll understand.

Social Media

One of the biggest causes of failure for a company social media campaign is being in the wrong place. Knowing your market and where they are on social media is half of social media success. The other half is crafting a social media strategy that makes use of the strengths of your business and the people working in that business. Anyone can put up the same old “buy my stuff” messages, that’s not hard. The people who are successful with social media are the ones who raise their profiles to a new level. They’re funny, provocative, sad, serious, educational, and most of all valuable to the customers who follow them. Not sure how to create profiles like that? I’ve done it, and I can help you do it too.


Articles proclaiming “blogs are dead” show up regularly in the marketing and even the mainstream press, but nothing could be further from the truth. Blogs are still a great way to educate customers, create content for social media and rank higher on Google. Now, more than ever, Google loves fresh, new content. Blogs create that regularly, so Google crawls them and ranks them highly. Blogs also have a wider variation these days. There are video blogs, photo blogs, and blogs that are a mixture of everything. If you’re looking for a way to create content that sticks with readers and is sticky on Google, I can definitely help.

I’m Not Sure, I Just Know I Need Help

Sometimes it’s hard to know what needs to be dealt with first. It could be you have more than one area that needs attention. It’s like when you’re at a restaurant and all the choices look good, sometimes a combo platter is the only thing that satisfies. If you’re not sure what it is you need, or if you think you need everything listed above, contact me and we’ll put together a selection of choices that meets your needs.

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